1.4.1 EPCE and ZPR using FP: Preparing the input files

After a normal-mode phonon calculation we need to post-process the data to compute electron-phonon coupling energies (EPCE), zero-point renormalization (ZPR) as well as electron-phonon renormalization at finite temperatures using a frozen phonon (harmonic) approach.

The first step is to compute the overlap integral matrix for degenerate bands. For the CO2 example, HOMO is 2-fold degenerate, therefore, we need to compute the overlap integral matrix between the positive and negative displaced coordinates along each normal mode.

For this purpose first we would import the mode_overlap class.

from pyepfd.overlap import mode_overlap
          ░███    ░███ █████ ████
          ░██████████ ░░███ ░███
          ░███░░░░░░   ░███ ░███
          ░███         ░███ ░███
          █████        ░░███████
         ░░░░░          ░░░░░███
                        ███ ░███
 ██████████ ███████████  ███████████ ██████████
 ░███  █ ░  ░███    ░███ ░███   █ ░  ░███   ░░███
 ░██████    ░██████████  ░███████    ░███    ░███
 ░███░░█    ░███░░░░░░   ░███░░░█    ░███    ░███
 ░███ ░   █ ░███         ░███  ░     ░███    ███
 ██████████ █████        █████       ██████████
░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░        ░░░░░       ░░░░░░░░░░
PyEPFD version     :  1.0
Author             : Arpan Kundu
Author Email       : arpan.kundu@gmail.com
Today              :  2023-05-09 20:36:41.809705

A CO2 molecule has 9 normal modes. We would compute the overlap matrix elements for all 9 modes. Although, LUMO is singly degenerate, just to show how we can include several degenerate space in a single calculation, we would include also LUMO (orbital index 9). This may take a few minutes on a laptop.

overlap = mode_overlap(nmode=9,\
# Deleting the overlap object to complete file writing
del overlap
ls -lrth *.overlap
-rw-rw-r-- 1 arpan arpan 899 May  9 20:38 orbital-0.overlap
-rw-rw-r-- 1 arpan arpan 401 May  9 20:38 orbital-1.overlap

We see that two overlap files are created. Let us look at the first file: orbital-0.overlap.

cat orbital-0.overlap
#Orbitals indices: [7, 8]
#normal mode index = 1
         0.58352         -0.646224
       -0.646224          -0.58352
#normal mode index = 2
       -0.571502      -1.50436e-06
    -2.04339e-06         -0.846159
#normal mode index = 3
       -0.824038      -9.34836e-07
     7.68441e-07           0.49162
#normal mode index = 4
       -0.642178      -4.97481e-08
     4.85663e-08          0.871273
#normal mode index = 5
       -0.659458       3.49759e-06
     2.89872e-06          0.872965
#normal mode index = 6
        0.998597       0.000107763
     0.000107612          0.981333
#normal mode index = 7
        0.998597      -0.000107678
    -0.000107666          0.981333
#normal mode index = 8
       -0.978867         -0.196916
        0.196916         -0.978867
#normal mode index = 9
        0.185788          0.973269
        0.973269         -0.185788

We see that there are 9 (2 x 2) overlap matrices. Each matrix element is the overlap integral between the negative and positive displaced structure along a normal mode. The diagonal elements are the overlap integrals between the 7th and 8th orbital indices. Off-diagonal elements are overlap integrals between 7th and 8th orbital indices.

This file is necessary to calculate the second derivative of band energies when degeneracies are present.

As expected orbital-1.overlap has only one orbital (9th) in the orbital space there are only one value for each mode. We do not need this file to compute the second derivative of LUMO, as it is singly degenerate.

cat orbital-1.overlap
#Orbitals indices: [9]
#normal mode index = 1
#normal mode index = 2
#normal mode index = 3
#normal mode index = 4
#normal mode index = 5
#normal mode index = 6
#normal mode index = 7
#normal mode index = 8
#normal mode index = 9

For large system with many normal modes the calculation of overlap matrices may take long. Therefore, this step is parallelized over number of modes using MPI4Py. In that case it is easier to run it on a cluster. For that purpose first create a file calc_overlap.py, that should read as:

cat calc_overlap.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pyepfd.overlap import mode_overlap
overlap = mode_overlap(nmode=9,\

Now we can make the file as an executable using the following command

chmod 755 calc_overlap.py

Now this can be run using mpirun as shown below, here I am using only 2 mpi process, but you can use n-number of MPI processes where n is less than equalto 0.5*total number of modes.

mpirun -np 2 python3 calc_overlap.py
          ░███    ░███ █████ ████
          ░██████████ ░░███ ░███
          ░███░░░░░░   ░███ ░███
          ░███         ░███ ░███
          █████        ░░███████
         ░░░░░          ░░░░░███
                        ███ ░███
 ██████████ ███████████  ███████████ ██████████
 ░███  █ ░  ░███    ░███ ░███   █ ░  ░███   ░░███
 ░██████    ░██████████  ░███████    ░███    ░███
 ░███░░█    ░███░░░░░░   ░███░░░█    ░███    ░███
 ░███ ░   █ ░███         ░███  ░     ░███    ███
 ██████████ █████        █████       ██████████
░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░        ░░░░░       ░░░░░░░░░░
PyEPFD version     :  1.0
Author             : Arpan Kundu
Author Email       : arpan.kundu@gmail.com
Today              :  2023-05-09 20:39:14.453256
          ░███    ░███ █████ ████
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          █████        ░░███████
         ░░░░░          ░░░░░███
                        ███ ░███
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 ░███  █ ░  ░███    ░███ ░███   █ ░  ░███   ░░███
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 ░███ ░   █ ░███         ░███  ░     ░███    ███
 ██████████ █████        █████       ██████████
░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░        ░░░░░       ░░░░░░░░░░
PyEPFD version     :  1.0
Author             : Arpan Kundu
Author Email       : arpan.kundu@gmail.com
Today              :  2023-05-09 20:39:14.454862
ls -lrth *.overlap
-rw-rw-r-- 1 arpan arpan 899 May  9 20:40 orbital-0.overlap
-rw-rw-r-- 1 arpan arpan 401 May  9 20:40 orbital-1.overlap

Besides overlap matrices, we need total electronic energies for displaced coordinates and band(orbital) energies. The electronic energies can be extracted from the qbox outputs using grep tool as below.

grep '<etotal>' ../2_normal_mode_phonon/enmfd-?.r | awk '{print $2}' > etotal.dat

This would write the electronic energies sequentially in a file named etotal.dat. There are total 19 configurations, so there will be 19 numbers.

cat etotal.dat

Next step is to extract the band (orbital) energies. We will do it in two steps using the script extract_eigval.sh that can be found at util/qbox_tools folder of the pyepfd distribution. First step is to put add the path of the util/qbox_tools in the PATH variable. Then we would extract the homo energies (in this case orbital indices 7 8) after extracting copy them into a file named homo.eigval.dat. Then we would extract the lumo energies and copy them into a file lumo.eigval.dat.

source ../../../env.sh
cd ../2_normal_mode_phonon/
rm -rf Eigenvalues #Removes old directory
extract_eigval.sh -prefix enmfd -seq 1 1 -orb 7 8

Note, here we have only one qbox output file enmfd-1.r. Therefore, our prefix would be enmfd while the range would be 1 to 1. So we used “-seq 1 1”. If we had 12 output files then we had to use “-seq 1 12”.

Our HOMO are orbitals 7 and 8, so the orbital range is 7 to 8. So we used “-orb 7 8” option.

This will create a file named orbital_kp_0_0_0.dat Let us look into that file.

cd ../2_normal_mode_phonon/
cat orbital_kp_0_0_0_is_0.dat
#Orbital-7      #Orbital-8
-10.509136120898        -10.509136120808
-10.509182319751        -10.509182319484
-10.509182131230        -10.509182130746
-10.501317018104        -10.501194144059
-10.501317355303        -10.501194482823
-10.498513779430        -10.497985889827
-10.498513685829        -10.497985796856
-10.510094365923        -10.508908852667
-10.510094389441        -10.508908878769
-10.508022276177        -10.507268484282
-10.508021558974        -10.507267763318
-10.501391720266        -10.494668036040
-10.501391575875        -10.494667892401
-10.501391574934        -10.494667891409
-10.501391589185        -10.494667905889
-10.495537912275        -10.495537911992
-10.522408878497        -10.522408878494
-10.494621364128        -10.494621364091
-10.494629033591        -10.494629033587

We see that the energies of orbitals 7 and 8 (in eV) are written. Now we will move this file to current directory and rename it homo.eigval.dat.

mv ../2_normal_mode_phonon/orbital_kp_0_0_0_is_0.dat homo.eigval.dat

Similarly we will extract the LUMO orbital energies and copy it to the current directory.

source ../../../env.sh
cd ../2_normal_mode_phonon/
extract_eigval.sh -prefix enmfd -seq 1 1 -orb 9 9
Directory Eigenvalues exists
File eigvals.enmfd-1 exists
Skipping extracting eigenvalues from enmfd-1.r
Directory Eigenvalues/Orbital_energy_time_evol_kp_0_0_0_is_0 exists

Just like before we move the orbital_kp_0_0_0.dat into current directory as lumo.eigval.dat

mv ../2_normal_mode_phonon/orbital_kp_0_0_0_is_0.dat lumo.eigval.dat

We also need the restart/checkpoint file enmfdphonon.xml that we prepared in example 2.3. Lets copy it to the current directory.

cp ../2_normal_mode_phonon/enmfdphonon.xml .

We need the following files for EPCE and ZPR calculation. (1)etotal.dat –> Total electronic energies for all displaced configurations. (2)enmfdphonon.xml –> All information regarding the phonon calculation. (3)homo.eigval.dat –> HOMO/VBM (for CO2 2 fold degenerate, so band indices 7 & 8) energies for all displaced configurations. (4)lumo.eigval.dat –> LUMO/CBM energies for all displaced configurations. (5)orbital-0.overlap –> Overlap matrices for degenerate HOMO level. If LUMO were degenerate we would also need orbital-1.overlap.

Next step would be to post-process these files that would be the subject of example 4.2.

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