anharm module

class anharm.anharm_measure(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: pyepfd.elph_classes.

This class have all methods to compute anharmonicity measure. Currently only anharmonic measure proposed by Knoop, Purcell, Scheffler, and Carbogno is implemented.

Citation: Phys. Rev. Mater 4, 083809 (2020)


dynmat = dynamical matrix, a (3 N x 3 N) numpy array of floats ; where N is the number of atoms.

mass = A numpy array of length 3 N containing mass matrix

forces = A (n,3N) numpy float matrix: n 3N-dimensional vector containing cartesian forces from n number of MD/MC snapshots

disp_coords = A (n,3N) numpy float matrix: n 3N-dimensional vector containing cartesian coordinates from n number of MD/MC snapshots

opt_coord = 3N-dimensional vector of cartesian coordinates of a optimized geometry/structure

asr = Acoustic Sum Rule; a string. Allowed values are: (1) 'none' (Default): asr is not applied, OR (2) 'crystal' : For infinite systems / crystals, OR (3) 'poly' : For poly-atomic non-linear molecules, OR (4) 'lin' : For any linear molecules

mode_resolved = Allowed values are (1) True : Mode-resolved anharmonic measure is computed, OR (2) False : Mode-resolved anharmonic measure is not computed.

write(file_path, atoms, vib_freq_unit='cm-1')

This function writes the anharmonic measure for each mode and atoms.


file_path = A string; path to the output files where anharmonic measure values would be written

atoms = A python list of strings containing symbols of all atoms

vib_freq_unit = A string. The unit in which vibrational frequency of normal modes would be printed. The allowed values are: (1) 'cm-1' (Default), OR (2) 'THz' , OR (3) 'K' , OR (4) 'meV' .


In the given file_path it will create files with suffix _atom_res_anh_mes.out and _mode_res_anh_mes.out (if mode_resolved = True ) where anharmonic measure would be printed.

class anharm.boltzmann_reweighting(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: pyepfd.elph_classes.


This class is experimental and not recommended for use.

This class uses a Boltzmann reweighting technique at a finite T to include anharmonicity. T cannot be small or 0.


dynmat = Dynamical matrix

mass = Mass matrix

disp_coords = (n,3N) matrix: n 3N-dimensional vector containing cartesian coordinates from n number of MD/MC snapshots

opt_coord = 3N-dimensional vector of cartesian coordinates of a optimized geometry/structure

opt_energy = A float representing energy (atomic_unit) of the optimized coordinates

temperature = A float representing Temperature (in K)

asr = acoustic sum rule; a string. Allowed values are: (1) 'none' (Default): asr is not applied, OR (2) 'crystal' : For infinite systems / crystals, OR (3) 'poly' : For poly-atomic non-linear molecules, OR (4) 'lin' : For any linear molecules

remove_rot_trans = A boolean. Allowed values are: (1) True : removes global translations and rotations, OR (2) False : does not remove global translations and rotations, from the disp_coords


The modified weights for new configurations as an object anharm.boltzmann_reweighting.weights.